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The Coronavirus: What You Need To Know

By now you have probably heard of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus affecting China, particularly the Wuhan, Hubei Province. The Centers for Disease Control is taking a proactive approach is rapidly evolving situation, evaluating risk to the U.S. and updating information often. According to the CDC the immediate risk to the U.S. is believed to be low. 

China has taken an aggressive stance to stop this outbreak, closing transit systems within Wuhan, including buses, subways, trains and the airport.  The CDC is also conducting health screenings of travelers from Wuhan upon arrival in select U.S. airports. However, the CDC does have some recommendations you should know if you’re planning to travel to China:

  • Avoid non-essential travel to the Hubei Province, China. 

  • If you are scheduled to travel to China, seek advice from your doctor first, particularly if you are at an increased risk for illness or have an underlying health issue.

  • If you do travel to China, avoid contact with sick people, animals, animal markets, and animal products such as uncooked meat. Frequent handwashing with soap and water for 20 minutes is advised, as well as the use of hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available. 

  • Practice good health hygiene. 

If you have traveled to China within the last 14 days and begin to show symptoms of respiratory illness, seek immediate medical care. Call ahead to discuss your symptoms before heading to the doctor’s office or hospital. As with any illness, follow common sense measures when you’re sick - cover your mouth when you cough, stay home when you feel sick, and wash your hands frequently. 

To ensure you are reading the most accurate and up-to-date news regarding the Coronavirus, follow the CDC’s updates on or their social channels.